About Me

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I am a person who loves life and loves capturing it in pictures and recording it in many ways. I have been happily married for over 40 years to my wonderful husband Mike. We have raised 4 daughters, were foster parents for 11 years and are now raising 2 of our grandchildren. They are the love of our lives and the light in our eyes. At this time in our lives, we would expect to be planning for retirement, but instead we are planning for the future of these children. Starting over so to speak. At the ripe old age of 50, I found myself as a mom of a pre-schooler again so it's the second time around for us, thus my title. We attend church and teach Sunday School. Life is never dull, as you can imagine. Enjoy the pieces of our lives and allow this grandmother some bragging rights occasionally, ok very often.

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Friday, January 29, 2016

The Latest

Mike's bilirubin (yellowness)  level is not dropping as fast as they had hoped. So they are going to see about trying radiation to shrink the area around the bile ducts. One of the chemo drugs cannot work if the bilirubin is too high. The oncologist is trying to coordinate Mike's treatment with a surgeon at Emory Hospital in Atlanta. Until we hear from the surgeon we are just waiting. "They that wait upon the Lord shall their strength." Hopefully this will happen soon. Mike asked the Doctor today,
 "Am I this weak and sick because of all the bile in my body?"
 "No, you are this weak and sick because you have cancer!" he answered.
Pretty straight forward huh? He did add that the bile in his body added to the weakness.
So we are still at the beginning of this journey. We did meet an angel in the waiting room today. She was receiving her last chemo treatment. She has had 18 treatments is 18 weeks and was still working. She left work to come do her treatment and was going straight back to work. She shared some encouragement with us and offered her prayers. We did the same. I wish her all the best!
Until we know more, please keep the prayers coming.


  1. Thinking of and praying for all of you. And Mike, I pray for God's healing hand and His love surrounds you...and that you continue to feel His peace. We love you!

  2. It's Monday night. How's Mike? Sending love peace and prayers...
